

rock garden

Rosie’s Kindness Rock Garden is located in Mission Beach San Diego, a connection of the “Kingston Compound” and where Monster Mantras’ story begins.

about rosie’s kindness rock garden

In short, Rosie’s Kindness Rock Garden… well, it’s about love to community, love to mission beach, compassion, healing and sharing kindness.

Inspired by, and hoping to soon be joining more formally with, the Kindness Rocks Project! you can learn a lot more at their site:

The whole story of how Rosie’s Kindness Rock Garden came to be is a special one, and one that is in process so follow along as more happens and is released!

rosies collage 10.13 WE

about rosie

…. more details on Rosie coming soon!

Rosaleen (Rose, Rosie) Delaney
07/31/1930 - 10/11/2016